Batter prepared from a wheat flour and egg was put into each of the hole of the special cooking plate of takoyaki. Normally, it is cook on a open fire burner but this time we used the electric one.
The small cut boiled octopus was then added into each of the the batter.
Followed with chopped negi or onion leaves and minced cabbages. We also added some corn (maize).
After sometimes, the cook batter turn into ball, and should be turned around so that the upper part would also be cooked, which at the end made it into a ball shape. The hand with the chopsticks (hashi in Japanese) in the picture do not belong to me because besides eating, my chopsticks practise still do not allow me to use them for cooking.
Cooked takoyaki.
But, we should always shared the cultures and for that reason the Chicken Satay was prepared using the halal chicken bought through the net. Thanks again to the net, I found few websites with good instructions to prepare the satay and the satay's peanut sauces; Hanieliza and Mat Gebu's blogspots. Hiroshima-san brought along her newly purchased BBQ's plate (besides the takoyaki plate which her mother won from a BINGO game).
The chefs for the day of takoyaki section, from left, Jakhlan-san from Mongolia and Hiroshima-san.
Satay chef, Akamatsu-sensei on the left. Two girls on the rights, special food tasters; Saikhan, daughter of Jakhlan-san and moi.
See, how happy the chef was!
Later, the datuk and our lab manager/ technician, Matsuo-san joined us. Jakhlan was very impressed with the satay tasted that she requested the recipe; while Matsuo-san wanted to bring home the leftover of the satay sauce. He was thinking about having it with the grilled fishes with his family.
By the way, Hiroshima-san and I were thinking to have the takoyaki party once again.
p/s Hehehe! I smell something fishy in the air, but in a good way. Is somebody trying to secure someone heart? ;) I wish to hear the good news, soon?
Wah ni baru ori punye takoyaki orang jepun buat. hehe... che na, che na dah nk balik bulan 9 ni ek..bestnye la hai... selamat berjuang di husm pulak ye lepas ni... che na akan kat genom lagi ke tak lepas ni?
Mmg best lah sebenarnya makan octopus ball nih....hahaha!
InsyaAllah, bulan 9 nnti saya balik...akan berjuang lg, suasana dan area yg lain plak. psl genom taktau la, klu dekan bg, sy klu tak pon, sy pegi aja....ramai member2 kat sana....hahaha!
waa bestnya dpt buat party cenggini kt lab..lain sikit suasananya kan..rasanya org jepun mmg suka buat party dlm lab..jimat belanja..kt lab sy pon cenggitu..pastu beer mesti berdozen2..aishhh
~satay tu nmpk sedap!..teringin nk makan satay, tp malas nk buat..hahahah
entry akak ni membuatkan saya terasa nak makan takoyaki. waaa lapar washoku!
Interesting! So that's what those grilled balls are called, eh? Takoyaki. Are these similar to the kaya balls that they sell at Jusco?
Ila, betoi2...lgpun kalau mkn kat luaq, paling skit satu kepala klu kat dlm lab, dlm 500yen ja...silalah buat sate tu, k na buh byk lengkuas, ok gak rasanya (memuji diri sndiri nih....hahaha!)
Yan, best kan takoyaki? tgh pikir nk beli tak plate tu....takut cepat rosak ja...hmmmmmmm
Andrea, yes, takoyaki;)...i think that kaya ball is originated from here, same ingredient but instead of making it salty for takoyaki, the kaya ball batter is sweet.
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