Friday, May 28, 2010

Beginning of an end...

Now, at the edge of my time in this foreign country, a beginning of an end has started. Today, I will have my first trial presentation to the lab members. On the 10th of June, there will be a presentation of my work for the past years to the whole faculty members. The butterflies in my stomach are now working overtime . Hopefully, it won’t take away my sleep.

The end of the journey will be when my article is accepted by the publisher.

Regarding the paper, my Prof and I were much delighted when last two weeks we received a feedback from the editor saying that the reviewers were interested in our article and needed a few more control analysis to be added to the article.

Those requests sent me back to the lab and the rats.

But I am willing to do just that and then get my article publish. It will justify all the sweats and tears of mine.

May God bless us all!


Nana said...

All the best! You will soon be missing Japan. It took me more than a year to get used to the last time I went back...Instead of looking forward to go back...savor the time you spend here and you will not regret it!

naba the mutant said...

Dah started to miss Japan...actually, minus the lab, life in Japan is not that bad....hehehe! tapi kalau ada org bg duit la tiap2 bulan....:)

si.ra said...

all da best kna! semoga berjaya!!!