Saturday, December 6, 2014

Revelation of stress, another perspective

Life is never easy, but it is not so hard to live by. All depends on the perspective, on which way we decide to see and accept. The glass poured with water, half of it, could always be half full or half empty.

I'm here in Kb, all on my own. Looking after myself, missing my mother and family back home. But, I can't just pack and move back. I have other responsibility, yes, besides the paycheck.

I went on to do phd in thinking of making myself more knowledgeable. However, I end up making myself miserable throughout the four years. At the end, I just wanted to comeback and be a teacher. Rushing to finish the study, I did what I always do to get by; to live day by day like a programme robot. At the end, stress was just another part of me. I ate, slept and drank on it.

So, during those difficult times, my intention changed. I would like to be a teacher, that besides teaching, inspired the students. To my postgraduate students, I wanted them to reach higher than I am. I would like them to have the joy of doing research, to understand that 'stress' is another for success. If we can ride on the 'stress', we surely can find the best looking rainbow at the end of the journey.

After four years of teaching, I don't know how much I have contributed to science or the students. Hopefully, I am doing just fine.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Maru's babies

Maru gave birth three weeks ago, while I was in Japan for business trip. A guy who works for the clinic where I took Maru for boarding was very excited when he saw me coming for Maru. He was standing next to the entrance, outside of the clinic and once seeing me, mentioned about Maru's five babies. Five! I was startled! But happy.

I brought Maru home with the babies and she was very protective towards the kittens. Even I can't get close to them. Anyway, she was too young and as a first time mother, she maybe not fit to take care of the kittens. One day, I found one of them died. And a few days layer, another one passed away. And later, due to work commitment, I went to Kuala Lumpur for four days. Few of my students helped me taking vare for them at home. But, when I reached home, I saw only Maru alone. She was not with tye babies. That night, three of them were found dead.

Maru was devastated for few days. She's now getting better.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

30s facing 40s

I am a little bit fuzzy in my thinking. Past one month was havoc with fewer incidences took place. Not to say that all were bad ones, but I just need to sit and defragmented the mind. I was overwhelmed with activities and remembrance.

I will be facing my 40s next year and would like to keep intake of how my 30s is like. Gracefully, that is all I wanted to be like when I reach old age. Wanted to be able to tell my grandchildren the experiences, the activities, the steps that take and stumble, but still getting up. Eventually, I will leave this world, to the thereafter, the permanent one.

We took the road trip to Perlis, Penang and Langkawi. A memorable trip, I would say. The one that I never did in Malaysia.