Thursday, December 4, 2014

Maru's babies

Maru gave birth three weeks ago, while I was in Japan for business trip. A guy who works for the clinic where I took Maru for boarding was very excited when he saw me coming for Maru. He was standing next to the entrance, outside of the clinic and once seeing me, mentioned about Maru's five babies. Five! I was startled! But happy.

I brought Maru home with the babies and she was very protective towards the kittens. Even I can't get close to them. Anyway, she was too young and as a first time mother, she maybe not fit to take care of the kittens. One day, I found one of them died. And a few days layer, another one passed away. And later, due to work commitment, I went to Kuala Lumpur for four days. Few of my students helped me taking vare for them at home. But, when I reached home, I saw only Maru alone. She was not with tye babies. That night, three of them were found dead.

Maru was devastated for few days. She's now getting better.

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