Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New guy on the block

Move aside MekDi. Here comes MatB, Mat SalaiB. This Mat B is seing taking his place slowly but confidently around stores in front of KK Campus. And the first one that I bought tonight was the Mat Beef. Suprisingly, the cook added enough black pepper sauce and mayonnaise plus the regular chillie sauce which of course brought out a different taste. An alternative choice besides Ramly's, I guess.


Nana said...

Fuh! Siap ada website lagi! Produk nampak macam sedap! TErliur tengok la. Ish ish ish...
Siap ada juice buah2an lagi. Sedap tak? Harganya pun boleh tahan juga ya...

naba the mutant said...

Kesedapan tu subjektif....hehehe. tp i like the black pepper sauce..

si.ra said...

nama produk mmg betoi2 melayu lah..sgt dasat ada wbsite yg bolh thn bst, paling best part produk..prghhhh teringinnya nk makan ni..lapq3

naba the mutant said...

balik raya nnti jom mai KB....hehehe!

Anonymous said...

There's a Ramly burger place that somewhere in Hulu Kelang area that makes burgers to die for. His piece d' resistance is the slices of onions fried with some worcestershire sauce before adding to the burger. And apart from beef and chicken, he has lamb burger too. Great artery-clogging stuff.

Here's the link:

naba the mutant said...

hohoho! look sedap, and definitely has right ingredients..."artery clogging stuff?" ROFL!!!