Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Roling out the idea

Idea! That’s the main role of academia. It’s not just about molding the next generation but the best thing about being an academic personal is to have and come out with an idea. By doing just that, we, the academicians, are becoming the learning institute, but not the buildings of the institute.

An academician is supposed to mold a younger age group to be successful, give ideas as freely as water out of the new pipe, encourage and become a role model.

An old professor in this campus managed to impress me. He has tons of charisma. He waltz his way through the research field of herbs and yet able to stay smart and on top of that, he looks just as brilliant; which is by not wearing the ordinary scientist’s look. Ideas runs freely out of his mouth, at no extra charge.

I just wish that I too can grow old, wise and happy. Being a scientist is a way of me to help the public. I might not be able to reach that in my lifetime, but I wish God will help me to help others. Though I can't do anything on the 'look department', but as long as nice thing is said about me, Ok lah! (^_~)

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