Monday, November 28, 2011

Monster in the net...

Internet has been one of the things that people cannot live without. But we forget that we have been too dependent on it. This ‘dependent’ sort of thing make us easily frustrated if something unpredictable happens.

The holiday work surf on last Friday morning to google the relevant articles related to my research area turn out to be the biggest surprise to date. My research proposal was published, in pdf form, readily to be read and downloaded and at that time point was uploaded just 20 hours before.

Somehow, somebody had managed to create an empty account, and linked it to the famous fb account of my student.

Well, the proposal which was supposed to be a secret had been emailed to her, once. She downloaded it to the office computer to be printed. That’s the leaked, if it was to be believed.

But if people can cheat on the identity online, then nothing is impossible nowadays.

The naivety inside me would never think that this could take place.

Be very afraid people; be very afraid of the net!


Nana said...


Aiyoo, camana ni? What was your action? Is the proposal something you are about to start or something you have done? That is really bad. Bitterly bad!

naba the mutant said...

Salam. Donno lah what had happened but it was settled when the account was deleted. Thank God!

The proposal was supposed to be presented last week but got tangguh.