Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Conscience and friendship are at war!

We are having problem. ‘WE’ here means my conscience and the ‘logic me’ are at the cross road of deciding of which to define. It involved two friends and a condition.

What would you say if after you write two proposals, one accepted and the other was rejected; were combined together with some alteration by someone else (a friend – and without your knowledge), BUT, almost 70% of it is similar, just change the material, submitted and approved by the higher authority? You, on the other hand was not even acknowledge and don’t know about it, a thing, until someone else mentioned it.

I will surely piss off. It was like robbing an intelectual property.

I still can’t stomach that a friend can do that to another friend.

The ‘friend’ equation in me is still trying to negotiate that probably it was untrue or if it was true, the second chance shall be given.

But the ‘principle’ me is shouting, “That’s it! Finito!”

Pity them both.

One seems to loss the integrity and also a friend in the quest of ............ (I don't reall sure here!)

The other is mending a heartache of knowing that a friend is no longer can be considered a ‘close friend’.

Above all, the ‘middle-friend’ lost sleep because of this and yet, no one pitied. Hey! Can I say that I am the real victim in this case?

Ops! The conscience whispered, “Narcissist!”


Anonymous said...

I only have one advice: Ditch the so-called friend and save your sanity. Today, it is your proposal, tomorrow, it may be your whole project that she'll hijack. Dun expect her to change. Old habits die hard.

naba the mutant said...

Thanks Cara! I need someone to say it OUTLOUD!...and she is actually 'he' with high flying EGO!

Anonymous said...

OMG! a HE! All the more reason to ditch. Run, Naba, RUNNNNNNN!!!

naba the mutant said...

No worry Cara, me, flying...hey! up here!....hehehe!

(^_~)...He provide me all the right reasons...