Saturday, December 31, 2011

Chin-up and no worry!

We’re there. The new year of 2012 is coming after today’s midnight.

Many things had taken place during the last one year. All; good or bad, had somehow affected our life.

In our family, the last two elders, a pair of husband and wife sister and brother-in-law of my great grandfather, had went away to meet their Maker. They were separated in this world for about 2 months apart when she was the first to be called. I can understand but would never fill his shoes the agony he went through after she passed away. Surely, there must be a big blank in his life since she was there for him for about 60 years. Anyway, their passing did left a big blank in my life since I was very close to both of them. They were always there to cheerish me; as simple as whenever I came back for holidays from boarding school, they would came for visits and would always brought something, that's the way they showered me with love. Such a love that I would never forget.

Anyway, thank God, I am very much content with myself now. Yes, there are many unsettled things but then again, we shall be thankful for many other things. Looking at the bright side of life or being optimistic is a way to live happily in this world. I’ve accepted the fact of life that life is not always fair and we can never get all that we want. The least that we can do is to face the obstacle, take it in stride and then keep walking. There will be scar if we’re hurt, but the scar will only become big if we put it under our everyday life radar and keep looking at it using the microscope or even under  the cheap magnifying glass.

Be happy guys, we’re still alive! Keep our chin-up and run over the troubles!


Anonymous said...

Dear Che Naba,

There are all kinds of ppl in this world. But I always find that nothing cuts deeper than a betrayal from someone whom you have trusted.

I guessed you are left with 2 choices now: To take it positively, learn from the experience and move on; OR to take it negatively, give up and let it destroy the rest of your life.

I hope you have taken the positive option 'coz I have faith in you and I know that you can do better.

You go, girl! Make 2012 your best year yet.

Ku Asmarina said...

selamat merealisasikan azam baru che na...suka sgt ayat2 akhir che na..hidup perlu diteruskan walau mcm mana pun...tak semua org ada kisah hidup yg sama...masing2 ada kurang ada lebihnya...yg penting syukur ngan apa yg adakan...:) miss salam kak ina yer...

naba the mutant said...

Dear Cara,

To start trusting people itself do take a lot of courage, let alone been betrayed...Yes, I am moving on but that person will find that there is a little hope that I'll ever again trust or respect him, esp on sharing ideas...

Thanks a lot for your advise and concern! Happy New Year dear!

naba the mutant said...

Dear Que,

Salam. Lama tak dengaq cerita...hehehe! Ya, hidup ada up and down dan tak selalu adil ikut acuan kita. Untuk bahagia kita kena sentiasa bersyukur for what we have. Moga2 kita berada di jalan yg betul dlm hidup ni....K ina ada kat KL sampai middle of Jan. miss u too! Happy New Year!

Al-Manar said...

I looked back to 2011 and felt the sadness over the loss of several persons who meant something to my life. Yes life must go on, but be of service to those around us.

naba the mutant said...

Dear Pakcik,
Yes, I fill in 'the blank' by living in the 'present' to those around me...(^_^)