Saturday, July 12, 2014

Power play in this life will not last forever...

I just do not understand. This point of view is absolutely ridiculous. Unless we are an atheist, all of us should be believing in God. Then, why certain quarters act as if they are the God. They thought they are so powerful that they could blind the One and off course,  the people. They are not cheating God, they are cheating themselves. I wish the will come to their senses one fine day before its too late.

Power can only last a lifetime but there are life after death. Do they think they could persuade Him as they do here, in this life? Yes, there are 30 million individuals that could be the witnesses in front of Him. But then again, forget people. The witnesses could be the angels who are with us 24/7. Or our own body. Remember,  although no one have ever come back from death but death is not a myth.


Al-Manar said...

I wonder what prompted you to express this disapointed feeling. I do too and express in my series 'with a sugh'.

naba the mutant said...

Statement by statement made, make me sick inside pakcik. Most of us think money and power can buy afterlife and they don't mind to be part of the pack as long as they can make their first million before they reach 30.