Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The monster within.....

After months, here I am again, blogging. Life has been good, with more responsibility as human being, daughter, sister, friends and colleague.

An excuse for me to be here is just me missing the blogging world. This blog of mine had become a part of me for the past four years, bested (if this word ever exists) of best friends, and it was hard to let go.

Looking back in a very constructive standpoint of the past six months, I knew that accomplishing the degree was the best thing that ever occurred. Nonetheless, it had unleashed the other part of me who had been under the constraint for the good four years. The heat of the atmosphere of my beloved country had added to the unbearable strain which left the mind paralyzed. The monster finally had successfully taken over my body and flew it to the hell of unknown emotions. But then again, I thank God. The G factor had brought me back to the smelly earth that I love so much.

Yes, it was the G factor all along that brought me back.


Ku Asmarina said...

yeah che na dh kembali...miss u..

naba the mutant said...

ya. Que, good to be back! :)

Anonymous said...

It takes time to settle in. But I guess you may be suffering from a "reverse culture shock" syndrome.

naba the mutant said...

Indeed...rasa malu pulak considering that I was away only for few years but as the "reversable effect" was as if...(^_~)

Nana said...

Welcome back to blogging! You and I! Wahahaha
Yeah, we definitely need adjusting after coming back to Malaysia. I have to be a "monster" to get things done here. It's stressful! Just imagine my hubby who is usually calm would shout at our cargo forwarder who not only malas, also did not have the courtesy to update regarding our container status and worst of all, lied to us!!! And you know what, that forwarder bukan org biasa. Lecturer, ada degree and PhD dari Jepun. Malu tak? It really made us quite upset. Anyway, we're slowly trying to adjust. Sya is suffering the most. Dah kurus budak tu. Dengan test at his kindy, makanan yang banyak pedas2...he'll have to get used to it. Just like all of us. Ganbarou!