Monday, September 7, 2009

Niigata, here I come...

Tomorrow morning, I will be taking bus and flight to Niigata. The 6 of us including my dearest Prof. are taking the same journey and will reach there in the evening.

Going out of lab is good but have to be together with the gang plus 'him' is like free but with no freedom. Anyhow, as the lab is taking care of all the expenses besides meals, I will follow the crowd. It is just that I can't be myself being around him. He likes to judge people and I don't like to be judge. He will linked most of the things that are out of ordinary to him of me either to Malaysian as a whole or to Islam. Simple thing as Malaysian love bright colors compared to Indonesian was also a point for him. Yes, I noticed that Japanese love natural colors, to the extend it is either black or white. Some questions sometimes are best not to be asked.

And this journey to Niigata is also a working trip. I will be presenting a poster and oral presentation of my works for the past three years. Having a job to be done means there will be butterfly in my stomach till the day the job is perform. My mother gave me a few 'doa's to be recited to calm me down and I pray hard that I will be able to do it rightly. Wish me the best!


si.ra said...

selamat berjuang kna!..all da best k..jgn lupa utk enjoy jugak!

Anonymous said...

Goodluck Che Na!!! all the best :)

naba the mutant said...

timasih2x....i dah balik neh. penat tp ada mcm2 citer