Friday, July 9, 2010

Orchids VII

During the last one month, many types of orchid made their ways to the lab but I was too occupied with the works to take time-off and smell the roses. But, for a few clicks of camera's button, there is always a time for that. (^_~).....



Naz in Norway said...

Beautiful orchids. Come autumn, they'll be my object of collection for the greening of my living room :)

naba the mutant said...

Sis, u too love orchids? Love to see ur collection.:)

Anonymous said...

Dear Naba,

Beautiful! beautiful! Thank you for the perfect start to my Monday. I wish I were there.. but I think your sinseh would pengsan when I start caressing the orchids and smelling it and kissing it. Yes, I'm just so crazy in love with orchids.

naba the mutant said...

Hi Andrea,
I am glad that the pictures served their purpose well....:)

BTW, if u were here, then there will be one more lady besides me, sniffing the orchids...He, I am sure, will shepishly smile away...bangga lah!