Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Grateful is a big word for a tiny little piece of imperfectness

I just bought a new car. Praise to Allah and I am very happy about that. Thus, I've been shying-sang on the road; from KB to AS, back to KB, went to AS again; all those to spend time with my family back home. Everything when just perfect until last week. 

During one of the Hari Raya open-house, my friend's husband realized that there was a hairline cracked on the left-side at the back of my car bumper plus half-size of one Ringgit paint scratched. I was obviously shocked by the finding since I didn't remember anyone bump into my car. Of course my mind started racing by to find the culprit. For sometimes, I felt quite unhappy. 

But then again, being surrounded by good people is good for our soul.

I've a flock of FB friends who posted many good things in their status. In addition, there are many motivators who's FB's account I subscribed into. 

There's one post mentioned that we shall be thankful of losing a pair of shoes because amongst us, there are many without a pair of feet.

Well, having a scratched paint is nothing. Many are still wishing that they at least have a car that can be driven around.

So, be grateful for the many good things instead of worrying over a tiny little piece of imperfectness. 


Al-Manar said...

A posting a day ? It is hard to believe

naba the mutant said...

If I could find words for a post....:)

Al-Manar said...

Just look up Almanar. It is all there - life and all that means to life!