Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Orchid X

This summer proved to be too hot to think of anything to write or in other words it was simply the excuse of being lethargic and a cipher who live just to enjoy the life. It probably the unsavoury way celebrating the end of my journey here in Japan, but I would like to think it as a way to rehabilitate my little grey cells, as Mr Poirot, the famous Belgian detective of Agatha Christie creation would say. This week was really the end since I had sent the copies of dissertation (a thinner version of a thesis) for binding and the galley proof for the article that will be published soon in a scientific journal based in USA were received. For the article, it was nothing of grand, but for me as a small fish in a sea of scientists, it was a big success. God had granted my wish.

Enough about me; we do miss the orchid, didn't we?

The orchid was not making their entry to the lab as many as they did during the previous season. Probably summer was just too hot to handle. Anyway, he did brought in a small lovely orchid known as benishusuran (japanese) or Goodyera macrantha, maxim. At the first sight, it looked like a wild plant that we can find anywhere near the bushes. However, if we look closer, the flower did resembled the famous 'slipper'.

In this post there were two pots of flower. The wild type was the one with white colour and the other, the pinkish flower, was the mutated orchid.

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