Wednesday, November 25, 2009

All the Good People

There was countless time that I told myself, ‘I am apt to make it different in my life time’. And thus I have taken the journeys, pursued the ups and the downs. There were thousands times I had stumbled upon the rocky patches, and fall into the abyss. But then again, there were thousands times I was commemorated for the conquests. Every rap was finally going fine once the deals were close successfully.

During the expeditions, I met a lot of good people. The not-so-good people were insignificant, thus, I rarely babbled about them. These good persons entered my life camouflaged in many costumes. Some of them spanked me hard but then I can see the reality. Some of them held my hand and walked me down along the narrow track. Some, let me tasted a bitter drink but it was a medicine all along. Some held me high on their shoulders so that I can see the world.

As the life has it, all the good things must end. The same goes with all the bad things. It all comes to the same conclusion, ‘The End’.

I cherish all the time that we have together. All the kind or harsh words are now music to my ears. All the memories were now packed in a folder named ‘All the Good People’. Thank you.

p/s This is a tribute to All the Good People in the world.


si.ra said...

sy termasuk dlm senarai ka? uhs, terima kasih, terharu rasanya...
hahahahhahahah *_*

naba the mutant said...

ces...nak perasan la tuh. as a blood relative, we have a long way to go TOGETHER...

jadi, selamat hari raya!

si.ra said...

hahahah perasan kan satu perkara yg baik..boleh menggembirakan hati apa..sapa lagi nk gembirakn diri kita sendiri kalo bukan kita sendiri...