Monday, November 2, 2009

Early birthday celebrations

My birthday this year came early as I had celebrated it twice, even before 11 November. First was at Isma's and then yesterday, Shima's.

Isma's first son birthday was at then end of October. Thus, Isma and family invited almost everyone from Malaysia and Indonesia for a celebration party last Saturday. Knowing that my birthday is just around the corner, she made a cake for me aswell, a chocolate cake. I felt like a schoolgirl once again....hehehe!

Yesterday, Shima invited Ila and I for lunch. Her way to welcome Ila's visit to Tokushima. She knew Ila back then in USM, they were working in the same lab. The lunch, it was a kampung style of set which included budu, ikan bakar and gulai tempoyak with ulam-ulaman and sambal belacan. A complete set for lunch which reminded us of Restauran Cikgu of KB. The best thing was for dessert, another birthday cake for me, another chocolate cake!

I am bless with so many good hearted friends. Thanks a lot!

By the way, in the morning Ila and I went for shopping in the 100yen shopping plaza near my house that made both of us grining from ear to ear. This was the first visit for Ila and she was happy to have bought most of the souviniers.

All I can say is 100yen shop is the best place to shop in Japan because you can find almost everything in one go and that too at the lowest price. Though most of the things sold are from China, the quality is good.


Ku Asmarina said...

nak wish che na eppy bday in advance jugak la...:) may Allah bless u always...che na sekali sekala snap la gambar kat kedai 100 yen tu...teringin nak tgk...

naba the mutant said...

timasih que....nanti saya snapkan gambar2 tu...ada 2 kedai besar dekat area umah saya ni...dlm 10 minit naik beskal...mmg best!

ila said...

wawaaw ada jugak saya tertempek kt situ!! >.<
apapun kak na, saya tak mau wish lg birthday..blum smapai masanya lagi kan..?? heheh

naba the mutant said...

thn ni birthday lama....sebulan. special year....hehehehe! bila2 pun boleh wish. nak bg hadiah pon dlam tempoh sebulan ni boleh jer;)

Anonymous said...

Salam Che Na. awal sehari ni tapi nak wish jugak la pasal kek dah potong dah tue..hehe... Happy Birthday!!! semoga dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki... ceria-ceria selalu :)

naba the mutant said...

owh! ijan...timasih. ijan pon semoga dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki...

pastu kek tu dah potong 4 kali dah before tarikh sebenarnya...thn ni lah first time potong kek byk2 kali....hahaha!