Friday, October 30, 2009

Friend or foe?

To find me in a very angry mood is difficult. And for me to despise a person as a person is something extraordinary, except for a few lucky one. But then again, this few days, I had again had to get in touch with my own demon, the ‘angry Che Na’.

People always label me as ‘skema’ type of person that goes by the book, my book of principles or principles taught by my ancestors, parents, teachers and religion. Till today I stood by them. I try to minimize mistakes and be happy with whatever that I have at that moment. Beside those, I love playing the role of the 'cool girl next door’. You may find me with no aura like a celebrity or I will never throw a tantrum for the sake of it, unlike Britney or because i feel like doing it.

So, IF a situation can get me angry, it is not an ordinary state of affairs.

First, if you don’t want to be friend with me anymore, just say out loud. I don’t like to be the beggar of friendship. Example, call the friend and then, instead of talking to her, she’s not listening to you but you can hear in the background that she is watching TV. Reason, ‘I have nothing to talk to you!’ Great! I wish one day someone will say that to you right on your face.

Second, I want to be a friend. Not someone that you will only come when you need something and vanished after your wishes granted. Hey! Life has karma.

Third, someone who thinks that he knows the world. ‘No. No. You’re wrong!’ I wish that someday, someone will come and say that your experiments are all bullshit.

(I don’t like to swear in real life or in print, but I just did).


ila said...

jgn tension2...saya TAKUTTTTTT

naba the mutant said...

nak wat cemana? kdg2 mmg terasa nak marah...xleh tahan2....huhuhu!