Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Universal Studio Japan (USJ) revisited

Last weekend, I took Ila to Kobe and we stayed in Surini's place. Isma was also there, staying for a few nights before because she was attending a conference in Kobe. As the fate had it, we then had our unplanned long night girls chit-chat.

Next day, Ila, Su and I went to USJ. My fifth visit, by the way, after 2 years break. We had a blast of time! Some rides still managed to tug my heart out. But I did not go for Jurassic Park this time. The previous 3 times hardly made any different from the the first time. The heart jumped out each time. So, I opted that out. Beside that, USJ had special Halloween March with many coming wearing their own costumes and some stage performances in occassion with Halloween celebration. Thus, we can saw many deaths walking around and some with very impressive costumes.

Too happy to be here!

Spiderman studio is a crowd-puller.

Halloween March


antimesinkira said...

ala xmasuk ke jurassic park tu?hehe
hollywood tu naik x?

naba the mutant said...

dah 4 kali naik jurassic park...kali ke 5 ni takut jantung tertinggal kat atas sana...hehehe! hollywood tu dh try skali....malas la naik byk2 kali....hahahaha!

antimesinkira said...

erk?abih naik ape je?hehe

naba the mutant said...

spiderman dgn jaws...hehe

ila said...

sy masuk jurassic park tu..boleh tahan gerun masa tang terjun tu..patut la kak na tak mau naik! hehe..kak su pulak kononnya nk maintain steady ja masa terjun tu, tp hahahah, tak berjaya..

naba the mutant said...

4 kali rasa dada ni nak meletop naik jurassic park tu....sbb kali ni rasa mcm dah pakar kan...so taknak la...saya taknak sakitttt....;)