Friday, November 27, 2009

One of the days....

Today is Eid-Adha day. One of the celebration days where my families and friends get together, ask for forgiveness, give forgiveness, a lot of hugs, a lot of kisses, and many happy tears flow down and not without non-stop eating of special dishes. Apart from the amount of cholesterol gain for the day is equal to a week (like anybody cares about it anyway), having everyone, who are dear to your heart, on board is good for the heart. The least to say, the day is havoc but fun and it is a merry day indeed. I just wish that I can be part of them now.

I made a called to my mother just 5 minutes ago. I can hear the loud background of people chatting, talking, shouting and eating and sending their love to me through my mother. I just missed them all a lot.

If God permit, I will be among them next year. Eid-Mubarak everyone!


si.ra said...

selamat hari raya kak na..raya puas2..thn depan tak raya2 jepun dah!.. *_*

naba the mutant said...

ada lg 1 kali raya2 jepun nih....huh! SABAQ.....