Thursday, March 11, 2010

The instinct

One quality that I have and most women in the world shares, the instinct. It does come handy at time but if I do rely on it all the time, it will become a habit. This means that I will not go out if the aura around me are all negatives, which remind me of a card reader  with a crystal ball living in a caravan somewhere in surburb of wet european country wearing a long flowery skirt with untidy hair.

Oh! How I digress.

Actually, this post is about my Professor and I, again. Finally, I think I knew the reason of me avoid him at all cost.

Even if I went to see him, the outcomes were usually leaving me with more doubts and more questions.

Though people said I am clever, but the reality is I am not THAT clever. I am a person who easily confused and hard to understand the principle of something. So, if people talk to me in a colorful words and full of wisdoms, they are actually helping in making me confused because I tend to take the conclusion the other way round. It has been prove again and again and again since my schooling day.

As the boss love to show off his American English, he used to spent a good 5 minutes to explain something that can be finished in a breath.

At the end, we always have the clashed of ideas and understanding.

So, the paranoid (and guilty me?), taking the easy way out, stay away from him. ;)

Why? Because instinct said that he would brought more problems that the ones that I already have. The truth is; it is not the 'instinct'. It's just a pattern that developed after sometimes.

And me, 'avoid conflict', a real quality of Scorpio.

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