Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Coming out of my closet?

In life, mistakes or weakness come as a part of the parcels. Ignore or denying it is like living in a cocoon, or similar as building a sand castle, no strong foundation in our life. So, I want to admit my mistake or weakness.

I realized that at times I might have sound too pompous, almost like unreal person when declaring my love for reading likes there nothing that I would do besides spending my whole life reading, as if I was borne to read. I am the good girl who stays home, reading.

I want to come clean, just like the Ricky Martin.*wink*

The secret is that I love tableware and cookware as much as I love reading.

There goes my biggest weakness. People close to me might have known about it, but I just felt that I wanted to say it out loud.

There is a room in my apartment that I’ve dedicated for tableware and cookware. In my mother’s house, a part of unoccupied room upstairs was occupied with my precious collection, purchased while I was working, before coming to Japan. Not exactly the real collections, just few things that I thought would look good and nice to use, for my future house. *smile* *dreaming*

I believe that it all started when I received my first set of gift; as a little girl I was given a cooking set. I can’t remember what had happened to them. I can’t even remember the set; it was my mother who told me about it. It cannot be my fault of not having any memory about it because I was very very very young at that time. Anyway, I do believe that the somehow the impression of receiving the gift had registered somewhere unconsciously in the memory banks.

Whenever I take a look at food, real-life or net-life, it was the plate, spoon, bowl, cups or whatever the serving utensils used, those are the first things that catch my eyes.

Stressful heart can easily be mend if I stroll along the shopping areas full of those two things. Nowadays, it becomes easier because of the web life. I will be breezing through Yahoo JP, Amazon JP or Rakuten websites during the hard days at the laboratory, after school.

Apart from that I can’t thank Google enough for providing the Google language translation. It makes my shopping spree much much easier, which means that I have to be more careful with the monthly budget. I don’t want to end up penniless at the end of every month. Or should I say, yenless? *wink*

Yes, dear. I am guilty as charge!

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