Friday, March 26, 2010

Ode to an old man

At the end of the day, we are all just human.

He is a human, full of flaws, as any man in the world would. As much as I sometimes loathe him, there are parts of him which I shall always be grateful for. No human is perfect. Positively said, the life here could have been worst.

He was a handsome ambitious young man who wants to make a place in the world by putting his work before the family. But, it never cross my mind that he would let the family down because he provided them enough, at time I thought it was more than enough; both money and love. If only he was not the old generation of Asian parents, then he would probably  say ‘I love you’ more.

The man was borne shortly after the Second World War, with a dramatic family background that can make any woman shedding a tear or two. Yet, determined to be a gentleman like his father was, through education he mastered his way up.

Now, at the edge of retirement, he is an old man, who needed much rest.

As much as the science is moving forward, and so are his mind and knowledge. Nevertheless, our body will never keeping up with those two.

Though he is not as sharp as he used to be, no one can take away the pride, dignity and the experiences. I believe that I am now dealing with his pride.

P/s I saw him fallen asleep sitting in front of his computer desk during yesterday's lunch break. I wish he would take a day or two to recharge his body before coming to the lab after a long journey out of country.

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