Sunday, January 4, 2009

Over the boundaries

In life, every day each and every one of the human being make their own choices. However, routines and rules set the brain to a certain standard where people will just follow. Once a while when reality comes crushing the ordinary life cycle, then human become alive again. There will be crying for help. They see the consequences of action. They started to love and care.

I am not suggesting that people should all be spontaneous and above rules. Rules are not set to be broken but it is only a guideline. Surely, once a while the could be some situations where the rules could be broken. Too much rules, to the T, will only bring bad name to bureaucratic.

Ideally, rules work to perfect human life. Practically, nobody perfect, not even the rules. I am the woldian. Globalization have made world a small planet. Just look around the world.

Ideally, having small number of children in a family will help the family in giving better life to the children. But, after decades, it's also means that the society will have small number of young generations. By the way, how on earth are we going to make sure that all the children will survive their early life? Yes, unless human are so powerful that we can create soul if we need one, whenever we want. And Japan is one of the country having small number of young generation.

The point is rules are just the guidelines. Flexibility make human being raw in the action. I am trying to live this world each day crunching the reality for breakfast and hopefully will forget it by dinner time.

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