Sunday, December 6, 2009

Data, me and reviewers!

“I feel like I am sabotaging myself....”

“No. You are not.”

“Yes, I do sabotage myself. There are ten months left and yet I will start new experiment.”

“But, that is important. The reviewers would asked about it. Do you understand that it is important for the paper?”

“Yes, I understand. The problem is it will not going to finish in one week.”

Again and again, I have this problem with my dear Prof. He stood on his ground, wanted me to add more and more data. And if you understand, not every experiment is doable and can be finished in a short time. In my case, it will take at least a month. After that, the writing of the article, the corrections by him (it will go on and on like playing table tennis, until he said, I think this is OK) and review of the English language (by the native speaker) and finally, submitting. Next, wait for the yes, or no from the journal editor which will takes two months the least. And if yes, more added data will be asked. If no, changed the presentation (which means, rewriting) and continue the same procedures starting from the Prof approval. Ten months time are not enough to get the paper published.

I am laying low...Tsk! Tsk!


si.ra said...

owh sabar2...jgn takutkan saya!

naba the mutant said...

takut ka? relax2 la...ini semua perasaan org yg dh tak ada masa...hahaha!

si.ra said...

hahah betoi2..tak bersedia lagi nak tinggalkan masa2 bergembira, cuti2, lepak2, tengok tv, main2 games....huwaaaaa

naba the mutant said...

open your heart and mind...bersedia! :)