Friday, December 18, 2009

Of foot pain and snowboarding

The International Student Office of Tokushima University plans one day ski trip to Tottori next month.

I was looking forward to tag along. Then, something happened to my right foot. The same symptom of foot pain reoccurred. Previously, it had gone away for almost 6 months after I took few steps as suggested in one of the website including changed the exhausted sport shoes and did a special feet exercise every morning. Last weekend the pain which was known as Plantar Fasciitis came back haunting me. Probably due to long hours standing in the lab or the coldness had caused stiffness to the muscles. The later reason was intended as a joke. Sigh!

If you know that it requires strong leg muscles to stand on the two feet for snowboarding then you will realize that having foot pain is a warning sign of better not to go.

Thus, I decided to give the trip a pass though I had been thinking about going for sometime. Yeah, last year snowboard trip to Nagano probably the last one.

If only the pain go away soon…

We never know what future bring us but usually one has to be content with what life has to offer.

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