Sunday, June 22, 2014

Small talk of a mother is a big talk of love

I always perceived myself as a busy lady. For the pas 4 years, that was my new mantra; 'busy lady'. But then again,  I am busy. However, that should not stop one from having a small talk to get to know thy neighbour or colleague.

She is the tea lady who helps me a lot if I in need of something out of ordinary, such as 'serunding'. She did helped in few occasions especially when hari raya was fast approaching. But today, she did more than that. 

We were talking about serunding when she noticed a picture of an actress posing in a newspaper. Suddenly the topic switched, she started voicing her concerned regarding children nowadays. I can see her worry, as a mother and how she is now the one responsible to any of their deeds. The talked last more then 10 minutes. Longer then I expected. Her expression was truly genuine. I can see her points. 

I can't say much because I am not a mother myself, but a mother is always a mother. However,  I can't fathom whatever was in the head of a mother who was found to leave his oku son unattended till he was left with bone and skin. Maybe I don't understand her situation,  but I just want to wish her and her son the very best.

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