Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The wind is changing direction

I can feel that there are wind of changes in my professional life. Personally, I want it to change and God is helping me in shaping it. I don't know about how would it be at the end, but I am praying that it will be for the best, for everybody. I am not moving out, but I guess I will be moving about.

I want to note here that I am happy with my plan of evolving. I have done this once 24 years back when I was in secondary school. The life and my decision to live my life at that time made it very dull and static. Well, I was one of the students living in the hostel of Sultanah Asma Secondary School. The decision to stay at the hostel was handed down from my father with a consensus of my mother, although my great grandfather (who was very dear to me and pampered me a lot) was against it. At the end, the power of the parents has been always above everything else that matters. Then, there I was, away from home and families. And what can a young, timid and naive girls at the age of 13 can do much. I was a geeky kind of girl who read, study, cheer others up, eat and sleep. I can't help that my English language was tremendously weak that I can't understand some words lavishly spoken by most of my classmates. Which at the end, all that we can get was a young girl with budding inferiority complexes. Adding to the pain was the fact that there were differences in social-economic background between us. However, I endured all the troubles and not so interesting life and never once allowed it to jeopardize my academic life. Why? Because it was my ticket out of that monotonous life.

I was among the top 10 achievers of SRP examination that year of that school (and I got a prize given by the Sultanah of Kedah during school awards giving ceremony) and was offered a place in MRSM Beseri. I went there with an intention to go against the current, get into the power, be in charge and live happily. Although I never really had the power, the life was improving a lot. I became talkative, more approachable, had many friends and laughed a lot.

This is my plan. I want to open up a bit to life, love a bit, pray a lot and let Him do the rest.

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