Friday, May 29, 2009

Being patience is better than being a patient

Western blotting using LC3 antibody is really pushing me over the bounderies of being patience. I am afraid that I will end up being somebody patient in any hospital in Malaysia where there reserved a place for a 'happy person'.

God is great! I am learning more in a way. (I am just trying to 'psiko' myself). It seems western blot is difficult after all if you meet up with a very mystical antibody that love to play hide and seek.


Anonymous said...

Kesian Che Na..jangan tensen2 sangat... :)

naba the mutant said...

Ijan, sibbaik ada sensei muda yg sanggup tolong, stress2 pun, "bila ku pandang wajah mu, hati ku melayang2".

(patutla asyik tak dapat jer hasil....hahaha!

Anonymous said...

Uiks... ada sensei muda plak. Patut la.. mesti salah kira ape2 dok teringat kat sensei tu..heheh :p

naba the mutant said...

Ntah la Ijan...dia datang menyerah diri....hahaha! Siap dia offer suh tanya dia. Sensei2 yg lain takde cakap mcm tu, so malas la nak tanya....hahaha!