Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Killing the boredom...

I've never knew what is lonely till I am here. Alone, bored and always thinking about Malaysian food. Oh! It's really torturing!

I read many articles online and asking many people of ways to make my life more beautiful . Yes, initially I was having problems accepting Hosoi's way of handling his lab. Even now. Thus, my apartment is my heaven after spending half of life daily lab in Hosoi's world.
Then, to kill the boredom I bought something that I wanted long long time ago but not really thinking of buying it. All the little knowledge that knew about music, thanks to my primary school teacher Cikgu Osman Botak. He's also the English teacher that made me understand that we can water plant. Thanks Cikgu!

Actually I could choose reading but reading alone couldn't take my mind away. Somehow having keyboard in my living room help though I rarely play with it. It divert my attention from my day life troubles. Huh! (I wish I could play better.)


Anonymous said...

Che Na dah pandai main music ke? Wah, new accomplishment ;)- Ijan

naba the mutant said...

tak pandai2 la ijan...jari jemari ku keras belaka....hahaha!