Sunday, May 31, 2009

My love, Wii!

After harassing Wii for about 2 years and stalking him through the net, finally I managed to get him. There goes my 32370yen that was kept by saving for couple of month plus some pocket money from Japanese government, given to all the obedient citizens. It was a success story of me getting Wii. O'shiawase!

Many thanks to Shima and Am who accompanied me to Zero game shop and installing the game. The instructions were all in Japanese so Shima did gave me a short introduction of the game. I'll sleep happily and going to wake up early every morning to spent time with my Wii.

Footnote : The writer is a kind of crazy at the moment. You may hear her singing in the background if you are around here now..."You belong to me, I belong to you...yeah! yeah! yeah! yeah!...."


Anonymous said...

Che Na, canggih ye sekarang ada videogame plak (baru tau lepas baca Wii Fit kat wikipedia..kueng3x)... Ni confirm tidur lewat malam ni..Jgn lupe record n post kat youtube pastu. Jgn lupe gak hantar link kat i...heheh :D

p/s: rindu kat Che Na :(

naba the mutant said...

Hahaha!. Boleh. Tunggguuuuu!

p/s Saya pun rindu Ijan. take care of ur self, ur hubby and ur baby....:) jangan sedih2...dah ada org teman skrg.:d