Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Black out!

There is a first time for everything, be it good or bad. Last night, around 3.30am I woke up. There was no sound of fan moving. When my eyes wide opened, it was a total dark. Usually the laptop mouse provided some light.

Ah! It must be blackout. Blackout? In Japan.

I dare not to move out of my bed. After sometime I heard a car was parked somewhere nearby the building, some movements, somebody shouting something but not too loud and after 20 minutes or so, the fan was moving again.

Very fast and efficient. And that was my first time experiencing the electricity blackout in my apartment.


Anonymous said...

Efisiyen nye... tak sempat berpeluh ler kalo camtu.hehehe

~srar~ said...

aah 20 minutes ja dh siap betolkan..pagi2 buta plak tu..kalo kt sini jgn harap la..tunggu esok pagi la jawapnya..hahahh

naba the mutant said...

memang berpeluh la jugak sbb skrg summer....tu yg terjaga tidoq tu. lps tu bila sunyi sepi, apa lagi....apa2 yg bergerak skit, semua dengaq....hahaha!