Monday, August 10, 2009

Tail of typhoon

It seems that typhoon had reached Tokushima earlier this year. Typhoon Etau, that was her name. I thanked God that it only touched Tokushima lightly. However, yesterday August 10, it was whole day heavy down poured.

I was glad for the rain, but it was really a heavy rain. Today morning, I was told that a primary student went missing after being swapped away by a strong stream of a small river. That was sad and scary. When I saw the news afterward, then I knew how bad the typhoon was. It was reported that 13 people died due to the typhoon.

Anyhow, it was supposed to end tomorrow. My heart goes out to the victim's families. May they be strong to face the lost of the love ones.


~srar~ said...

taufan pun dasyat kt sana no..ingtkn gempa bumi ja...

naba the mutant said...

2 benda ni la yg alhamdulillah smpi arini, selamat. rezeki kat mana2. musibah pun sama. doa je la:)

~srar~ said...

aah betul betul betul..