Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My cousin brother, Adik

My cute baby brother whom we called Ayish has never failed to make me laugh. Last week, when I called my mother, he insisted to talk to me. My mother told me that he had been waiting few days to tell me something.

It was about his new hand phone. His father, my uncle next door bought him a new hand phone. His parents wanted him to learn reading and writing by sending him SMS regularly. What a brilliant idea! By the way, I think probably this new hand phone was easier to type rather than the last one and that's the reason of him getting the new one.

So, when he said that his old hand phone that contained my number was no more, I just asked him innocently.

"Pi mana telephone lama Adik?" Literally in English it shall means, "Where have your hand phone gone?" or it simply means "What happen to your old hand phone?"

Guess what his reply was.

"Dia pi Thailand, jumpa kawan lama dia." Hampeh!
He took it literally and said "He went to see his old friend in Thailand....bla...bla"....

Well served me right! I need to be more alert next time.

God! This boy always make my day and my house seems brighter whenever he's there. God bless him.


~srar~ said...

p thailand dia jawap..hahah suka2 hati dia ja..pepandai betoi reka2 crita..dh tu selalu konfiden plak masa bercerita..kalo x besa, mmg kena tipu buta2 la..wuahaahh

naba the mutant said...

kak na selalu terkena plak tu tp bila time dia terkena, dia akan kata 'kak na cakap ngan mak long la plak'....hahaha!