Friday, April 16, 2010

Love of winter?

Winter is really not my favourite season. The coldness of the weather and the unstable emotional person (ME!) that I need to handle each and everyday, are two of the reasons for me to despise the season. But then again, there is one thing that I like about the season, beside snowing; it's the season of the red fruit (that's 2 thing that I like about winter? hhhmmmm). Not the rambutan (that I missed so much!) but the strawberry.

Being in Tokushima have their own advantage. Yes, there is no big shopping complex as in Kobe, Osaka or Tokyo, and difficult to go from one place or another because of  the limited transportation. For the transportation, a similar problem as in Malaysia but with one better condition where nobody can bet on the punctuality.

Opps! Again, I digress.

The price for vegetables and fruits are cheaper, that's the advantage of living here.

I tried my hand at photography....with strawberries posed as the models.


Anonymous said...

I bet you're gonna missed all that if say, you are back in KL this very moment (like me). It's very hot, very humid and people falling sick all around me.. uggghh!!!

naba the mutant said...

yeah! i CAN imagine...

my mom said that my two young nieces insisted that both of them should be allowed to be without clothes once they entered her house (^_^)...but thank God that no one get sick...

andrea, the temperature lower than 20deg is able to make me act out like the grumpy old maid.....I shall then abandon all hope of finding a groom from Ireland and to live in their wet land...sigh!