Sunday, April 25, 2010

Meeting for an event....

We, Malaysians in Tokushima are going to held a one day football or soccer matches next week. About 9 universities will participate.

It is nothing official of sorts, only a mutual understanding among Malaysian students from the universities all over Japan, where each university will take turn to organized the event.

As the oldest single ;), I'll be helping the girls to co-ordinate the event; well, since all the guys want to play the games and win big prizes, we shall support. (^_~)

After all, I had submitted the manuscript to the journal and now is waiting for the editor's feedback. Acceptance or rejection; either one will comeback. Just brace myself! So, the endurance that I had gone through for the past 4 months shall be celebrate. This event is a good excuse to be out of the lab, ONLY on the weekend. *smile*

While cycling to Isma's house for a meeting today, I stop and took a few photos of Tokushima's Park. This park used to house a castle, so the sceneries of the outer part of park were similar to the other old Japan's castles.


Anonymous said...

What's that shack doing in the middle of the lake?

naba the mutant said...

owh! that's a duck house