Friday, April 30, 2010

Scent of a person...

I am not primping sort of person but more to a rustic style. Nevertheless, one thing that I am particular about is a smell. Pleasant smell is a must for me; needless to say that one shall never overdo it with half a bottle of a perfume. A ghastly scent of a person will left an irrevocable impression of their personality.

My skin complexion is always complex that anybody can sees many dots on the face, in addition to the sun-burned type of color which does not help either. Simply put it, I am wearing entirely the common South East Asian looked. Nevertheless, how bad it may sound, I will not change anything. With that, I referred the changes of our late MJ or the ever young, Mrs. Kutcher. In this case, on top of me being contented with myself (really?), my finance department will never allow it.

Anyway, I digress.

I thank God that I am having a sinus problem at the moment due to spring. The idea of me has to withstand the not-so-good aroma coming from someone in this small place is terrifying. The pretty faces can surely bestowed tranquility to any eyes from afar as a perfume can deceived an odor. But none can smokescreen the strong scent of something (which I don’t know what) but probably a result of being not so clean. Maybe a simple bath or fresh clean clothes will help?

The beauty shall come as a package with cleanliness, and a good fragrance is an added bonus.

Oh! I am such a coward (of not telling the truth, start a war and do my nostrils an ample justice?)…!

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