Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Same feathers flock together

When the proverb was introduced to me, I can't really make up the real meaning of it. Later, someone explained to me about distribution pattern of feathers of bird, (you can get simple explanation about it in the Wikipedia), which then I can get grasped of the meaning.

I like to say that the proverb is true to the T. Why? I will reflected myself as an example. I am not an extrovert, born as a Scorpion. Thus, I always stay behind the curtain, until one day decided to explore the possibility of being on stage. Overnight, I changed myself, being extrovert 'undercover'. But I realized however I changed, the groups of friends that I met were still they same kind of people. I like to be around the introvert. I still don't like to talk bad about other people, being vocal about it and never feel the urge to cross the line (my own line, mind you). By the way, my mother had successfully instilled in my brain that using s**##$$s words are bad.

Then, Japan here I am. Meeting new people. Still I don't like to be around people who doesn't understand about to stand in another man's shoes. I hate that kind of people. I hate people who love the limelight that they will do everything to be in one. Then I realized that since primary school, I guarded myself very much that I never really make friends with the other kind of people beside the one that I comfortable to be with. I choose my friends. And I love being among them. One of the reasons is that they know what it is about trying see world from the other axis and to accept that people is irregular, not a product of any factory. Accepting other people weakness and differences are one of the ways to move forward. Too focus on the weakness and differences will make the person dull. Dull people is not 'omoshoroii' (interesting) to be around.

I met a few dull people here in Tokushima. I wish all the best to them and hope that they will change themselves one day.

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