Thursday, October 30, 2008

Bad dreams

'Dreams are sequence images, sounds and feelings experienced while sleeping, particularly strongly associated with rapid eye movement sleep.' is the first sentence in Wikipedia that explain dreams. I am not going through those subject though because my interest is about my bad dreams.

Probably last two months, I dreamt that three of my upper teeth were easily pull out by myself. No pain, nothing. To tell the truth, at the back of my front teeth, there is one structure like a small teeth coming out. I never like it. But it is there since I was small so, be it. It never cause any pain, just some curiosity (as a scientist, huh! anything out of ordinary will make me wonder). So, it was that teeth that come out but, not one, three.

Being Malay by ethnicity, broken teeth is always associated with death or bad thing of the love one or families. I never trust that. Not before, not now.

When I was told about Dr Kannan, it never crossed my mind to associate the dream and that bad news. However last evening, I got to know that one of my cousin was admitted into the hospital for bleeding in the colon. It's a deja vu for the my father's side of family as we had gone through this type of death in the family associated with this health problems quite a number beforehand. I admitt that my father's big families love to eat.

Two bad news in a week. What to say, I am as strong as a giant and my as brave as a lion. Who knows when I am crying inside and want someone to hold me and say that's everything will turn alright.

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