Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Angry at love or Bond?

I am Bond. James Bond! And followed with a wink.

Those a sentence I remembered since my early age as I was waiting for my great grandfather to pick me up from the school by bicycle in front of a Mamak's coffee shop, the flirtiuos Bond. The owner love to play the Bond's movies and I was able to catch a few scenes here and there. Sometimes maybe longer scenes if my great grandfather wanted to have 'roti canai' and 'teh susu' (I really miss him). I can still recalled the scenes though. What to do if you have a graphic type of memory?

I am not here to brag about myself. I would just go on to say 'I don't trust any love between two people anymore. As far as I am concern, it's full of b**sh**.'

Wow! That's a very strong words. In this season where flowers blooming heavily and birds singing continuously (but have to be very careful because in between you may heard sound of coughing as a background), love should be in the air. Not for me anyway. I have seen many love that appeared somewhere out of nowhere because the person believe (or make believe) that they are in love. I guess that could happen to me too.

Loving a family is something that come out deep from the heart. But we read about father who raped his daughter. I heard over Hot FM, there was this lady saying about her two boyfriends, 'I love both of them, and if I can, I would want both for me.' God! What she will say if one day her husband said that 'Abang sayang ayang. Tapi Abang sayang dia juga. So, Abang nak kahwin lagi satu.' (I love you, dahling. But I also love her. So, I want to marry her.') Then, serve you right! Mind you, Muslim man can married up to four wife at one time. If he want to marry the fifth, then he has to divorce either one. He can keep divorcing if he plan to marry as many as 100 in his lifetime. There is no rule against that as long as he has money to support his wifes. By the way, I am by no mean against polygamy but like I said, I do not trust love by simply saying it. Not anymore.

In my life, I have tried my very best to accept people as who they are. However, being my weakness I guess, I do truly appreciate any kind of kindness towards me by being dedicated towards them. In time, I was being bullied, hurt, lied and used. Money and time flew. Sometimes I knew but I just let it went away, in the name of love. Another b***sh**!

(Anyhow, I was just hit by a train this morning as I was watching a pair of newlyweds taking pictures by the seaside holdings hands, kissing and laughing like there is no yesterday, no tomorrow and only present. I wonder what is in store for their future?)

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