Monday, April 13, 2009

Last weekend together

Last weekend was the final weekend for Azian in Japan. A little bit busy for her to accommodate all the attention from everyone, the people of Tokushima who knew her. As for our 'bujangan' female friends, four of us had been quite close since last year. We received new member, Amal but need to let Azian go.

Anyhow, as if to spent all the moment together for the last time, we when to Oboke Koboke of Iya Valley last weekend. Joining us were Anuar and wife, Emi with little Iman who looks so sweet when he cracked his smiles. And a friend of Azian, Berg who came all the way from Osaka to visit Tokushima. The scenery of Iya Valley was very dramatic. The leaves were green, yellow and red in colors, and sakura flowers still blooming. The color of the river was as green as the leaves. The rocks by the rivers made up a few faces of human and one stone carved like a roaming lion. We took the quick tour by the boat to see it all. And then moved a long to Kazurabashi, to see the hanging bridge and had chicken BBQ, simple one but nice.

The next day, all the ladies of Malaysia and Indonesia held a farewell party for Azian. It was a potluck party at Isma's apartment. Iro-iro ryori. But it was quite teary during the farewell and well wishes agenda as everyone seems going to miss having Azian around.

We don't have to be rich, glamorous and powerful to be remembered. A little gesture truthful from the heart will touch other heart, change life and these will stays in memories forever. We're at the end of a chapter of a life book but I think, this one I will cherish it for a long long time to come.

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