Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mysteries in life

There many thinks that keep me wondering, in this life. But I think that is life is all about, full of mysteries.

Meeting new people, gain some level of trust and we are friends. Making new friends is a luxury to me as people is a gift from God. But then again, there are many types of friends. One that stay forever, one that come and go but we can count on them, hi-hi bye-bye types of acquaintance, friend that vanished forever or one that you never wish to know.

In my teen days, I did not keep in touch with friends, and many of them are out of touch. Only a small number still do. However, as my commitment levels arise, I love to make friends and to keep them closer. But only the one who can accept me as I am. I am done by being taken as a fool. In friendship, we do not expect to be the giver or the receiver. It is a relationship that offer some state of understanding, and loving, but never calculating.

Azian is going home to Malaysia soon. I will miss her dearly, as I miss Kak Intan and K Nunuk, and Kak Heni and Siti. They're close to my heart as I can feel the love.

I hate the 'perpisahan' or the ending of something good. I wish Azian that all the love in this world will be hers and all the money too (just kidding!). The life never end. It is always the opening of something new. When one door is closing, the other doors are opening. We just need to keep looking for the best door. Be it UK or Japan, the best one is the one from God, so ask him. Sayonara !


anti-mesinkira said...

dear c`na
buatla shoutout box
bole chat..hehe

naba the mutant said...

ok...nanti saya buat...bila dah tau cemana...hahaha!