Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Follow the success habits

What I can say about myself had been said enough and explained in details in Scorpio horoscope. Some people will say that I live my life based on it. No, it's not true. Some of the characterization of Scorpio really reflects my habits. I always believe that we're born with certain distinctive qualities but we can always change it for good if we wanted to.

As example, I am supposed to be shy and love to stay quite at the background. It's true but I also had prove to myself that I can be otherwise. I've been the other 'ME' since 16 years old. I am strong headed and craved for successes and love the limelight. The reality in life is that if we wanted something hard enough it will subconsciously manifest the results in our attitude and life will change accordingly. Have a 'dream' and the 'dream' will have you in it.

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