Saturday, January 23, 2010

Another series of sleepless nights

I have a tendency of difficulty of getting a good night sleep if something is lurking in my subconscious mind. It was not an easy tasked to live my life during the past three years since I started the PhD (permanent head damage?) course. My sleep, the main important factor in keeping my youthful look (sigh!) was deprived.

But then again, I am always an easy prey for stress, always fell for it. As a result, I will have an insomnia, or can't sleep at night.

And now, another series of sleepless night had began. Thanks a lot to the drama with my boss last Monday. Right after the face-off with the boss, insomniac night was initiated.

Last two days, he arranged a meeting with the other scientists to discuss the future of my research (ahem!) and during that meeting, these three men finally agreed that I will submit my article to any journal by February or end of February. That were a good and a bad news.

Of course, I now knew that I can finally dreamt about submitting a paper for publication and then graduation. That is a good news. The bad one, because the time is not on my side, I have to work around the clock, again! The purposes are to get new data ready and at the same time working on my writing. All, in a month time.

Anyway, I can accept that because those are my responsibility as a student. (Yes! What else can I do?)

Adding to the stress is actually this single habit of my boss. It's like rubbing salt into the wound.

What he did since yesterday? Once again the boss started his routine of going in and out of the lab checking every single thing that I touched, did or read, keeping me as one of his lab's rat. Oh! I can only pray that He will let this stage pass as soon as possible. I don't really want to graduate with the other type of PhD, let alone copying the habit of monitoring people instead of work.


Anonymous said...

Salam Che Na,
kena kerja kuat tu kalau nk kena repeat experiments kan. Hopefully everything goes as planned. Psst, seksa juga kan kalau boss asik dok perati apa kite buat. tension je. :D

naba the mutant said...

mmg tensen la Jan...selama ni saya buat2 tak nmpk jer dia bila dia dtg spy dia tak start ckp apa2...ade ke kita buat keje dia pon interprem bg cdgn...geram. bg la tau awal2..:/