Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cooling off period

I am trying to cool off since the bos will not be around starting from today for two consecutive days. Horrah!

I had discussion with the little 'brother' regarding yesterday's meeting about my research and as usual our argument was a heated one; his limited vocabulary made me easily insulted and then, I did what I did best, back off. But he later explained his point in a lower note which I was very much reciprocated.

See, I can't get close to any man in this world because it is either I feel that they think I am sooo stupid or I can't see that they wanted to protect me in a long run. I am rather blind when it comes to manly things. Guys out there, is it difficult to talk monotonously? Or like polygamy, monotonous never existed in man's vocabulary?

*Oh! Dear God. Is everything here will turn into man bashing post? Please pardon me. Sigh!*

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