Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Red Alert!!!!

I am angry at my bos. He was out of his mind again. It happened yesterday before lunch time. He asked me to do something that can be considered pelik and not in line with my study.

My reason to go against him was that I have another 8 months to be here. Plus minus the writing and submitting the paper, it was going to be another 3 months for lab work.

After the face-off, I went home and didnt even picking up the phone when he called. He left a message in the phone asking me to go to the lab for a meeting with another scientists, if they will agree with him. He used that technique of entrapment so often with another students before me that I knew it by heart.

The conclusion, his proposal was rejected since they felt it will not do any good to my study. But I still need to put up some other data and they are now thinking about one more experiment.

Gosh! Why can't they think about it, let say, two months before I go home so that  I don't have time to graduate? St***d people!!!!


Adi said...

Sugoi! Boleh Che Na tak angkat talipon bila prof called. Ganbatte, Girl power!

naba the mutant said...

Actually Adi, nothing to be proud of because I hate losing myself to anger. Afterwards, I will be so messed up that I can't sleep easily at night. Sebab tu la org wat apa pun I buat2 takpaham jer...dah ok dah pon skrg ni...hehehe1 gambarimasu!