Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Snowy lunch-time

Today, I skipped my plan to go home and have porridge as lunch because of the snow. Tokushima, being situated on the southern part of Japan is usually warmer than the northern area of Japan. Thus, it was rarely snowing and for the last three years, it never last more than 1 hour. Today, it started snowing around eleven in the morning and is still going strong.

This means that salad and onigiri from Lawson will do just fine for the lunch.


si.ra said...

nak onigiri jugak..sedap betul yg inti tuna itu...huhu
~gambq snow? uh sejuk!!!!

naba the mutant said...

onigiri...takpa...Ila ada byk masa nak mkn lepas ni pi la mkn nasi ayam, laksa, mee bandung, tomyam etc....hahaha!

si.ra said...

huhuhu ayat ini...tak suka, tak suka, tak suka..huhuuhh hahahaah!