Wednesday, July 22, 2009

If you can't beat them, join them!

That is exactly the thing that I am doing right now, with my sleeping habit. Sigh! During summer, day start early. Sun will start shines through the sliding doors around 5am. I can't get my 8 hours sleep! It stresses me trying to get back to sleep. Double bonus it seems, not enough sleep and stress.

Nowadays, I will straight away get up once I am awake and will go to sleep at night as early as I can. Depending on my sleepiness. My point is I just need my 8 hours good sleep, by hook or by crook. Anything is fair in love or sleep, as long as you get the point. Heh!


Anonymous said...

Che Na kena letak tirai manyak2 kot.. sini sunrise kol 4 gitew.. tp i neh tido ala2 pengsan tak sedar pon. hehheh

naba the mutant said...

tu la...kena tido dlm bilik gelap nih....hihihi!