Friday, July 31, 2009

Japan and Me - part 1

After thinking thoroughly, I come to a conclusion that my life in Japan, since the first time stepping out of the airplane in Kansai till now, is like riding a roller coaster. I could make it simple and finish the whole experiences in just one paragraph, just like the scientific abstract that I'd usually prepared. Anyhow, it will make no good to anyone who wish to know and understand my point of view.

Many students have come here to study. All of them have different backgrounds, knowledges and even intentions. My intention was to gain new scientific techniques and experiences. I wanted to spend my day in the laboratory and think nothing about the administration works that had started to cripple my mind at that moment.

The fourth day of October, year 2006 was the day that I took the flight to Japan. I left behind my family and friends. It was two weeks before Hari Raya Aidilfitri, meaning that I came here during fasting month. The weather was cold as it was autumn.

It was Friday morning when I arrived in Kansai Airport. No one was waiting for me. Following instructions written by Hosoi sensei in one of his email, I found the ticket vending machine and helped by someone to buy the bus ticket to Tokushima. I was somewhat worried of the next journey because I can't understand a word of Japanese written in Kanji, and only a few written in Romaji. The heart was beating hard during the bus journey because I did not had a clue where was my supposed next stop. Thank God that I brought email by Kak Nunuk. Based on the information of the email, I estimated the time. The bus then reached a big bus station almost on time. I guessed that must be it, my stop.

I was there standing when I saw a girl with tudong waving frantically at me from stairs of the open-air bus station. That was how I met Kak Nunuk. Kak Nunuk, the other Indonesian postgraduate student in the lab and we would spent another two years together. She brought me to Hosoi sensei after check in into the hostel and registered for my alien card at the city hall. Then sent me again to the hostel by taxi. During the whole episode, she used her yen to pay the driver. That was before I knew her story and value of yen to her in Japan and Indonesia.

Nothing much interesting that I can't recalled of my feeling at that time. Probably because of two death happened in my family just a day before I came. It was a numb type of feeling, somewhat between denial and hope. That night, I slept alone in a small room wishing that Yati was around. As my roommate and best friend, we used to chat on almost everything and that too, everyday. Not having someone to share your life changing experiences was like having a void that hurt.

And thanks to Ina, the G3 handphone was working well. Though I can't made a call to Malaysia, but at least I sent a few SMS to inform of my well being. I feeling of that night was like a deja vu. It was like me sleeping my first night in the hostel 19 years ago. One of the longest night!


~srar~ said...

i am completely speechless...wondering what wud happen to me..hrmmm....heheheh blom apa2 lg dh berangn2 utk risau..ceh...apapun memg respect habes ha ngn kna..dh hmpir2 berjaya dh ni, tanpa mengalami sebrg gangguan kecacatan emosi..kagum tuh..!

naba the mutant said...

oooo...kena kuat luar dlm. memang akan down tp kena la bangun semula sbb takda sapa nak masak kalau malas bangun....hahaha! lapar adalah motivasi yg baik....

jgn risau, God willing, semua akan baik.