Monday, July 13, 2009

Is it stress or aging process?

The first one year living in Japan was like hell, so to speak. Human can't just simply fall into a shape as he/she wish to. We are unlike water. There are life patterns that die hard, there are heart that beating, there are souls that empty which lead my life into a pit of darkness. It did really happened until one day I decided that enough is enough. Thus, I raised back to the surface and here I am.

Had been living in 'hell' made me aware of my self especially the energy and emotional state. The past few months, my body was not like it used to be. I felt tired easily. The last couple days, I felt like every muscles of me cried while waking up from bed early in the morning. However, once I reached the lab and started to do the routines, the pain just went away slowly. I was and am afraid that it might be some kind of warning from my body.

Being half-bake in health sciences is no good because the person will always end up being too precautions. It is like you know something but you don't know anything.

Life is full of cause and effect. Unhealthy body will lead to unstable emotional state . Thus, I plan to take supplement such as vitamins. Hopefully, by doing that, my energy will be restored back to normal.

It will be another one year before I go home for good. At this point of time during this study period, every single energy and strength, be it physically or mentally are very much important.

Sometimes, I wonder if it all happened because I was pushing myself too hard. However, I doubted myself. This is because I spent the last two days did nothing associated with works. It was all play.

Ah! My last resort is to say that this is happening because of aging? Sigh!

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